Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ok, I am going to be a loser and just do a quick blog. Because I literally just walked through the door and my husband looks super irritated that I am on the computer.  I was down .6 this morning, but I think it is actually 1.6 from yesterday for a total of 5.6.  WOOOOHOOOO

Breakfast was a yocrunch blueberry yogurt and a fruit fusion.  I have been trying to eat breakfast at home vs at almost an hour earlier and snack time is more appropriate.  I had a snack around 10:30 a 100 cal fruit crisp.

Lunch was a balsamic chicken cafe steamer that was super yummy and green apple.  I was still a little hungry but held off for a little while.  I ended up eating a cheese stick and 100 cal snack pack of cookies.

Dinner was going to be late bc I had a hair appt right after work, so I had a 100 snack pack of cocoa toasted almonds on the way.  And dinner was left over spaghetti again.  I didnt measure tonight, it was definately more than a cup but not as much as I would have liked to eat.

That is all!

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